APR 22: Sunday Luie and New Boards.

By Hali Estrada.

Big props to our AM rider Luie Isais, he keeps throwing hammers and here are a couple of examples from this weekend. Life Extension had a BBQ at Cherry Park for 4/20 and Luie landed a massive Front HeelFlip over the gap, other sick tricks went down too so check the whole clip till the end for Luies trick:

Luie also has a Guest appearance on Blinds Sunday Fundays with Kevin Romar, just click on the image below to watch the video, Luie kills it and he is repping the 92 Pants in Brown, yeahhh !!!!

On a second note Im finally done with 3 new one-off Boards; The Super Goat, The CFL Bird and the Chicordia are the newest Team Series; The Goat one is going to piss-off some people but thats the beauty of it, took me a while to finish it but it came out great :), The Bird one is one that I wanted to do for a long time cause I like Birds and the “Chicordia” is my take on one of the best Boards I’ve ever Skated in my life, The “Chiquita Board” that World Industries made for Jovantae Turner back in the day, I think I had more than 5 of those boards and I always loved the simplicity of it. All the Boards are available in limited quantities and they are made on order so get yours today :) and come back on Wednesday for the new tshirt line !!! Over and out :). CFL.

APR 11: Waiting For Lightning Premiere

By Hali Estrada.

Yesterday we woke up early to get a coffee and Skate in Costa Mesa until 4pm when we started driving to pick up Gunther and head to Los Angeles for the private screening of what I want to say is hands down the BEST DOCUMENTARY about Skateboarding that I’ve ever seen: “Waiting for Lightning” directed by Jacob Rosenberg. The documentary showcases the life of Danny Way taking you back to his early childhood and his beginnings in Skateboarding, his progression during the years, his innovation and motivations and his contribution to Skateboarding to this very day; redefining what is possible and evolving constantly.

“Nothing’s too gnarly” when it comes to Danny Way and we know that since we saw “Shackle Me Not” back in 1988 and Hokus Pokus in 1989; videos that changed Skateboarding and were extremely influential for every Skater at that time. After Hstreet Danny was part of “Plan B” and along with the rest of the team and under the management of the great Mike Ternansky they raised the bar again with their first Video “Questionable.” Danny not only showed everybody that he was amazing on a ramp but also an incredible fearless Street Skater. In the documentary, the story goes on describing Danny’s progression during the years all the way to his jump on the Great Wall of China.

There are no words to describe how inspiring this documentary was to all of us. We just stared in awe as the documentary unfolds Dannys unique way of seeing Skateboarding and how he got to the point where he had to create something new because he had already done it all. His determination and creativity go hand in hand with his unbreakable passion for Skateboarding and his humble personality. Danny Way is the Best Skateboarder in the world and he keeps creating new stuff and new ways to innovate….. As the documentary reach the end everybody started clapping and screaming and by everybody’s surprise Danny wasn’t done yet.

The final part was fucking amazing and I don’t want to ruin or spoil the documentary for anybody. The only thing I will say is that Danny has already built a new structure in Hawaii and you won’t believe your eyes when you see the tricks that he can do on it…. They posted a teaser a few hours ago so maybe this will kind of help you understand what I’m talking about.

We had an incredible night with all our friends and needless to say a very inspiring one. The video will be out at some point this year so you must get it as soon as it comes out; you won’t regret it. Thanks to everybody who helped us attend the Premiere and especially to Dina Rosenberg with BWR, thanks for all your help.

Here are some pictures , enjoy :). CFL.

Ken Block, Danny Way and jacob Rosenberg.

Danny Way and Christian Hosoi.

Jacob Rosenberg and Hali Estrada.

Guillermo "Pajarito" Rendon, Jesus Olcese, Danny Way, Giancarlo Zavalaga and Hali Estrada

The master of the 360 kf, Jason Lee.

Matt Hensley and Guillermo "Pajarito" Rendon in the after party at The Roosevelt.

Felix Arguelles and Hali Estrada.

New Zealand is closer than you think. Kate Anderson, Hali Estrada and Libby Beattie.

Guillermo and Sal barber holding the original H-Street poster for Hokus Pokus sign by all the Team.

Guillermo "Pajarito" Rendon, Rodney Mullen and Jesus Olcese.

Colin Mckay and Jacob Rosenberg.

Grant Brittain and Guillermo "Pajarito" Rendon.