DEC 17: Made in Highland.

I met the Villarreal Brothers at the Garvanza Skatepark in Highland Park last year; they are both super nice and humble, down to earth  guys;  which I think are the best qualities in a young Skateboarder  specially when you have natural skills.  Having fun is the most important part and  they both do it with style, ( And here’s some footy to prove it ) Let me introduce you to Ivan and Rigo Villarreal. The FUTURE is HERE. CFL. 


By Hali Estrada.

As I said  before, Im not really into politics but today was a historic day for The United States of America; today  Jonh McCain gave probably the best speech of all his campaign when  he called to concede saying:

“The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly.”

Barack Obama is the NEW PRESIDENT. Change has come to America !!.


President Barack Obama.

President Barack Obama.

SEP 03 : HOPE .

By Hali Estrada.

Today on my way to the Skatepark I was listening to Bill Clinton SPEECH at the Democratic National Convention. He said something that I think is very true:

“People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power.”

Im not really into politics but I think we really need a 180 degree change in the way things are going here, I can’t understand why somebody would vote for the Republican candidate John McCain after he said he wants to be in Iraq for a HUNDRED years, that’s just Stupid and lame. There’s obviously only one way out and is not with 4 more years of war based on lies spending millions of dollars and hundreds of lives. The Democrat candidate Barack Obama is the only choice for HOPE as Shepard Fairey drew it in his unique style; plus the Republican V.P. Sarah Palin is not DOWN WITH SKATEBOARDING as I read in Skatedaily and Crailtap so that makes the choice even easier.


HOPE. Barack Obama. By Shepard Fairey.

HOPE. Barack Obama. By Shepard Fairey.


We had some technical problems with the store and the site but everything is working right now, thanks so much for all your emails regarding the issue, we appreciate all your help. Tomorrow we’ll be posting new color way Hoodies for guys and girls and as always they will be limited in production, also the new tshirt line will be available at the store in August so make sure to check back !! Thanks so much.

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