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MAY 11: “The Seventh Planet” PRO-Series

By Hali Estrada.

Growing up I was always into UFO’s; Maybe because my Dad owns a lot of books in the matter and reading them made me think about the possibility of life in other Planets.  One day when I was 11 years Old I was at a Book Store just browsing around and I saw a book that caught my attention, It had a picture of an Astronaut and a Pre-Historic Figurine that look like and Astronaut on the Cover; I have never bought a book before in my life  (or even had the intention to buy one instead of  Chocolates)  but I decided to take a look at it while  I was in the Bookstore. I started reading the Book and it began with a Story of a Cat with 2 tails and a Kid who saw it but nobody believed him,  the kid ended up hanging himself and at his funeral everybody saw the Cat with 2 tails jumping around the graves and all the people realized he was telling the truth all the time….. but they needed to see it to believe it. The Author of the book was Erich Von Daniken and the Book was called “The Answer of the Gods” ( La respuesta de los Dioses), After the introduction he started to talk about how Ancient Astronauts visited earth; He traveled all over the world looking for the evidence and he found some very interesting stuff, the story was so fascinating that I bought the book and took it home with me. I couldn’t put down that book and read it like 100 times. After that I was even more into the possibility of life elsewhere and also into the possibility of Ancient Astronauts visiting us millions of years ago.  Many years after my first encounter with his theories I found another Author that caught my attention, his name was Zecharia Sitchin and his Book “The 12th Planet” was a best seller that talks about how the Sumerian civilization and modern humans were created by a race called the Anunnakis from the planet Nibiru, a planet that has an elliptical orbit of 3600 years around our Sun. He based his Theory on the translations he did of the Cuneiform writing found in Sumeria. This Extraterrestials called Earth the “Seventh Planet” because they count the Planets starting from the outside of the Solar System. Nobody has ever prove the existence of this 12th Planet Sumerians called NIBIRU, but the Story Sitchin tells and his conclusions are very interesting.

So, this new Series are about Earth, the “Seventh Planet”, the 3 boards represent the Sky, The Land and the Sea, basically what we are destroying and miss-using in a way that is gonna have very bad consequences sooner or later. I would be a Hipocrite if I started saying that I care 100% about the Trees and the Carbon Monoxide that pollutes the Air, Skateboards are made of FUCKING WOOD, so that whole “Save the Earth” thing doesn’t really work for me, I care about the Earth but no to the fanatic extreme some “Neo Hippies” do, I think we need technology and food and clothing and  many years are going to pass before we, as humans, learn how to take what we need from Earth without polluting and hopefully before  destroying everything. Everything is going to End at some point anyways, thats why theres a Quote from a song of the Great “Hector Lavoe” on the boards that reads “TODO TIENE SU FINAL” which means “Everything has an End”, Lets hope not very soon :). The Boards are 100% Made right here in USA, under the sunny California Sky , so get yours and go Skate before is too late…. You never know when we are going to run out of Trees :).