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JUN 21: Skateboarding Day ?

By Hali Estrada.

Today is NOT Skateboarding Day, today is “GO” Skateboarding day.

A lot of people gets confused about this day that was created and founded by the IASC ( The Internationatal Association of Skateboard Companies). Skateboarding doesn’t really have a day just like FUN doesn’t have a Day cause that would be one more nonsense holiday.  I think it is a little funny though, that a lot of people everywhere think that this is the day Skateboarding was created or something like that. Today is just one more excuse to grab your board and do what you do all the time, go out and  Skate, we don’t need permits, or rules, or teams or a coach, or schedules or training or sponsors to Skate.  Thats why Skateboarding has always been super fun for me, you can do whatever you want, Skatebaording is 100%  freedom. I remember there was a time when I entered contests and I was more competitive about it but I never consider it something serious,  I never went out and “Train” for the next contest, I think thats something you do when you are a well payed “Athlete” like well known Basketball Players or Soccer Teams that will never go to the World Cup or  the guys at Street League or at the X-Games, I think thats when Skateboarding becomes your Job and you literally sell all your time to “Soda” Companies and Giant “Running Shoes” Corporations and thats good but for Soccer.

Skateboarding is a different animal and its changing all the time, I see kids in the Street thinking that if they don’t have sponsors they are failures, or thinking that because they can Kickflip 10 stairs they deserve  10 sponsors, the whole idea the “EXTREME” media sells to this kids is exactly what Skateboarding is NOT about. Of course Im nobody to define Skateboarding but I think I have a pretty good idea of what I’ve been doing non stop since like 1985 and is just my humble opinion.  So today is NOT  “Skateboarding Day” but its one day of the year we have one more reason to go out and have FUN doing what we love to do :) No rules, no teams, no losers, no winners, no race, no social boundaries, no bosses, no schedules, no special days…GO SKATE EVERYDAY>>>>>. !!

Today is my Dads Birthday too so Happy Birthday Viejito !!! ;)