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By Gunther Estrada.



It will sound a little weird for me to say this because I am still the same boy that used to get excited seeing random Sk8 footage on TV; while in my home city Lima Limon. Since we didn’t have (Back in the 80’s) Fuel TV or ESPN to feed us the latest events and upcoming Sk8 contest and/or parties, we had to get hyped with recording on our VHS little parts of commercials or movies that had some skating in it. That might sound corny for some of you, but that is how much we love Skateboarding. I remember my brother Hali getting excited with the Police Academy #4 movie where they had this part with Guerrero, Caballero, McGill, Mountain and Hawk skating, grinding and ollieing Shit…that was sick!!!

Anyways, what I am trying to say is that all that excitement was gone at the X-Games. The magic of something unpredictable and the same tricks from the same people, made me think that we are getting “Not Possessed by Skateboarding” anymore but by a Corporate Monster instead, that will bring you the same fucking massive “Feria” with cotton candy and mutant hot dogs on a stick, for people that are not really into Skateboarding but that are looking forward to see somebody fucking himself up trying a crazy trick or to get their 20 dollar chinese board signed by a pro they dont even know.

First- Ryan Sheckler
Second- P-Rod
Third- Lutzka




Is my  X  to Radical?????

Is my "X" to Radical ?????????

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