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AUG 18: Stay Gold World Premiere.

By Gunther Estrada

It was just yesterday when I found myself driving north to Los Angeles for the Emerica video premiere “Stay Gold” taking place at a really nice theater in Hollywood ” Ford Theater blah bla”  a very spacious and comfortable building perfect for a memorable night of friends, skate and hammers…..and free beer. Got there 2 hours before the show and right into the VIP room with my Homie Eddie G. to slay some cold ones for the thirst.

STAY GOLD on the big screen.

After god knows how many hipster beers (PBR) we were finally ready to go up to the third floor to watch the video that on my opinion had created as much hype as the Lakai Fully Flared video premier…hmmm… well, almost. Little did I know, my mind will not be prepared for the visual massacre about to happen for the next hour or so.
Started with Brandon Westgate, His style reminds me one of my old time favorites “Cards” not only for the speed apply to every trick but also for the consistency when doing “make it or die” kind of tricks definitely my third favorite part of the video. When the time for Leo Romero finally came I was not on my right frame of mind specially when the tricks “UP” the hand rail started; Seriously man? shit, the k-gring up the rail was fucking amazing. I was just trying to recover from the craziness of all this shit when Andrew Reynolds part started and what can I say, just a different type of skating, the proper way to pop and float every trick; He just demolished every single spot he skated and definitely deserved the last part of the video.
Im not going to say anymore cause you need to go get the video when it comes out September 1st on Itunes, it is worth it plus you’ll be supporting the people that makes amazing videos like this one happen, so go get it !!
Here are some pics of the premiere.

Theatre entrance 2 hours before the premiere.

Eddie and lots of PBR

A little Sun Valley reunion with our old friends Jens Peterson and Bethany Conner Bagley.

Mario Rubalcaba's band "Earthless" before the Premiere. Iphones take trippy pictures...

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