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MAR 10: Mask Pro-Series

By Hali Estrada.

Sometimes theres not much to do on a rainy November Sunday, specially if the rain comes and goes every hour. We waited for the rain to fade a bit and we went to get some lunch by the OC Fair, after finishing, Gunther wanted to go to the OCC swap meet to look for some figurines he saw the last time we were there ( He wanted the figurines for some pictures ) but when we got there almost all the vendors were gone and the few who were there were packing their stuff because the rain. When we walked into the parking lot we saw a girl selling this nice “Luchador Masks”, I was looking for this kind of Masks since August 2010 and when I saw this 3 together I knew I could do some nice Boards with them, she sold us the Masks for $5 each and right as we finished paying her, the rain started again. We had the masks sitting in the living room for a few months and finally 2 weeks ago we got Sebas, Jesus and Giancarlo together so Gunther grabbed the camera and took the pictures I was waiting for. It took me some long nights to finish the fonts, layout and logos and is the first time I use pictures on board graphics ( I wanted to do this for a long time ) and  I think they came out pretty nice.

Our GUEST PRO is an Amazing Skateboarder, he has the perfect combination of speed, style and consistency, add to that the fact that he is a great person and you’ll know why I consider Diego Espinoza one of the best Skateboarders I know. Diego is from Costa Rica and every time he comes to California we always go Skate and we always have a great time. A few months ago he showed us a video of this midget “Luchador” from Mexico called KEMONITO…. We couldn’t stop laughing and you will understand why after you watch the video. When I decided that I wanted to make a Guest Board for him the first thing that came to my mind was that image of Kemonito flying off the boxing ring, after we saw that video “Kemonito” became part of almost all our jokes and to me it was the best choice to make a fun meaningful graphic for him.

I hope you guys like the new series, they are available now at the Store and as always they are 100% Made in California and only few will be made so make sure to order yours ASAFP; Thanks for all your support and lets go SKATE !!!!